Thursday, October 2, 2008

Comment Crazies

When Comment Boxes were created on the web so readers could leave comments, I am sure everyone thought it was brilliant, a democratization of the web, give everyone a voice.

Here's the problem, the only people who seem to comment are the same people in your (school, business, church) who are the first to complain, blame, criticize, mock or dismiss. And they are usually the most ignorant. Now, not only do they annoy you, they have the ability to annoy the entire world. I call them the Comment Crazies.

Think I am exaggerating? Go find a news story with a number of comments posted. Any story will do. The more important the better. Then look at the comments. My guess is that 80 percent of comments are angry or ridicule, 10 percent seek to clarify a point and 10 percent are too strange to classify. On rare occasion you may have someone defending a position.

It is easy to be against something. It takes knowledge and conviction to be for something. If you have an opinion and you want to post a comment on line, please ask yourself first, "Will my opinion enhance this conversation?" Or is it just mindless, grammatically incorrect, hate-laced drivel?

Think before you post! For the rest of us....

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