Wednesday, April 22, 2009

President Signs National-Service Bill and Issues Call to Volunteer -

How will your company or organization take advantage of the opportunity thsi new national service bill offers?

Why do I say opportunity? Because most people, not all, but most, want to have meaning in their lives. They want to be good citizens, good family members, good neighbors. They want to give back. Many don't feel they have time or don't have a personal connection to a group that needs their help.

So why not enable your employees, members, constituents to be the good people they want to be?

And if they see you as helping them to become fuller people, so much the better. You will develop deeper, stronger, better relationships with you people. Go do it. Create a service initiative. Highlight and reward service. Find a tie in to your business. This is not hard. And it is smart business.

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