So here's no surprise....CMOs have short tenures. Why? Well, who really knows what a CMO role is and what it is supposed to do?
Its not like the CFO. Everyone knows the CFO reports to the CEO. To whom does the CMO report? Well, it depends on the company...and what they think the CMO role is.
What control does the CMO have over all aspects of sales, marketing and communications? Sometimes a CMO oversees all three functions. Sometimes just one.
And how often does the CMO control R&D, strategic planning or business development?
Short CMO Tenures Reflective of Dysfunctional Companies - Advertising Age - CMO StrategyIt is not surprising that CMOs have short tenures. CMOs need clarity of their role. Clear mandates and control to get their job done. And understanding from leadership of what it will take to accomplish. That's a tall order, especially when you are trying to hit the quarterly numbers.