Tuesday, August 17, 2010

News Flash: Friends are the most trusted source of info

So the beauty of social marketing from a marketers perspective is this:

"Real-world friends most trusted online source"

If someone endorses your product on Facebook, in an authentic (read as not planted by the company) way, friends notice. It may not be enough to get them to buy your product without additional research, but you have suddenly entered the consideration set.

Most companies and institutions are not really sure how to handle this aspect of their marketing mix because, well, it isn't THEIRS, really. But we should start to think of it as part of the mix we need to influence, encourage, nurture, and reward.

There have been plenty of reports of companies monitoring Twitter to try and understand what people are saying about their company or product. It has mostly been as a defensive measure from what I have seen -- marketers hoping that influencers on Twitter don't poison the well.

Friends have always been the most trusted source for products and services. Social media just makes those voices louder and the ripples larger. So the srategy for companies? Keep wowing your customers and they will keep telling their friends....some on facebook, some at the salon or the little league game.

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