Monday, December 15, 2008

Social Media Projections for 2009

Most marketers I talk to are stunned at the speed and breadth of change in the social media space. A few years ago, no one had heard of Facebook and now 40 year old moms are sending party invites to their friends and writing on walls in Facebook.

Check out a new report published today that includes some of the leading thinkers in this space. Social Media Projections for 2009 is a straight forward title for a report that is chock full of insight about where things might be heading. You can view it inline below compliments of Scribd.
Social Media 2009
Be sure to read in Rhohit Bhargava's piece "What Marketers Did...(2008) / What Marketers Will Do (2009)" He says in essence, we will begin to adapt to the power of these networks vs. trying to force our constructs into a new world. Example, conduct "focus groups" on social media usage by customers to determine "authoritative" results to inform your strategy. In this new world, we can and should use these networks to gather the same information that expensive, formal research would produce.

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